Fairies in the Moonlight

Fairies in the Moonlight
The moon is out tonight and it seems to be very bright,
The crickets are singing their song,
all through the night that's very long.
Here I am in my little room,
while out in the night the fairies loom.
All the owls are out on the prowl,
while the coyotes begin to howl.
As the aroma from the chimneys fill my nose,
as every little light in the canyon begins to close.
None of the children are out to play,
they'll just have to wait for the very next day.
No need to worry you shall have no fright,
for our little angels take care of the things that go bump in the night.
No monsters, nor goblins, nor goolies,
forget all your fears and sorrows.
There will be a new day tomorrow,
So dream your dreams with all your might,
as the fairies whisper "good night, good night."
-Brianna Karrasch